From my point of view...

In Thinking Skills, following with our study of the credibility criteria, we are analysing Bias. Bias is a pre-judgement, when one person takes one-sided arguments, or a source which is not neutral and, therefore, rejects any evidence which is against of his/hers beliefs. This obviously takes to distorting the evidence, so sources end up being unreliable. This is why, it is almost impossible to have an unbiased source due to the fact that everyone has its own viewpoint.

To work with this topic, our teacher gave us some activities. In this pictures and fragment, we can see, how Hitler and the media are criticising Jews for the misfortune of Germany after the First World War. They are shown as demons, killers and even trying to poison other Germans. Hitler also made them responsible for the hyperinflation of 1920`s. This is a clear example of a pre-judgement, which helped Hitler to put all the German population against the Jews. This judgements are irrational because there is no reason to blame the Jews for the defeat of the First World War, if they were all fighting, alongside other Germans. Furthermore, the pictures show Jews doing impossible thing. People, not even Jews, do not make sausages out of rats or drain the blood of other people.
This are exaggerated points of views as regards the Jews. Moreover, they are generalising, some Jews may be evil, but not all of them. Therefore, all this sources do not show how the Jews are really like. In conclusion this sources are not credible because they are all based on strong feeling against this community. It is obvious how the Germans had been suffering for a long time and needed to blame somebody, and unfortunately, they choosed the Jews.

In the second activity, we can see a British propaganda during the Gulf War of 1990-1991, between the Allies and Iraq. This source shows how the British described themselves in a good, heroic way, as if they were going to save the world while Saddam Hussein is presented as an evil creature. This source is biased due to the fact that Britain shows itself as amazing.


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